Our Public Prospectus
The Enriched Environment in a Person-Centered Approach to Well-Being: A Salutogenic Model
Language, Cognition, the Enriched Environment and Dementia: A New Role for TESL
De Hogeweyk -- A Dutch Innovative Long-Term Care Village Setting for Elders with Dementia
Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence
WarmThuis -- An Innovative Dutch Home-Like Long-Term Care Setting for Elders with Dementia
A Brief Introduction to Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE)
Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE) vs. Educational Neuroscience
Proposal for Community Well-Being Center for Elders with Dementia by Spencer M. Robinson
Brain Lesion and fMRI Studies and the Myth of Cognitive Function Localization (Revised)
CNE and Person-Centered Care vs. the Distorted Medical Model (Revised)
CNE Brochure
Spencer M. Robinson CV
The CNE Booklet (Revised)
Understanding 'Mental Illness'_Revised
Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET)
Letter to a Colleague: The Crisis in Psychology and the Crisis in Science
Scholarship, Understanding and the Vistas of Knowledge
The Limits of Consciousness
Cognitive Neuroeducation (CNE)_Program Conductor's Instruction Manual